Yeah guys, the blog "Diário de Uns Loucos" (which means "Diary of Some Crazy Ones") gave me the "Prêmio Dardos" (which means "Darts Prize")... It intends on, affectually, rewarding the one who posts (in this case: me) and increase value to the web using a blog as a tool for that.
I am very pleased and I thank the owner of the blog I mentioned for his kindness. And as he said, "the first prize we never forget". Thanks once again.
About the Darts Prize:
Description: The Darts Prize serves to recognize the merits of the blog writter when cultural and personal values are transmitted through the blog, it means, they demonstrate their creativity through the alive way of thinking which is always the same among letters and words. These stamps were created with the intention of organizing a kind of union between blog writters, a way to demonstrate kindness and recognize for a work that increases value to the Web.
Description: The Darts Prize serves to recognize the merits of the blog writter when cultural and personal values are transmitted through the blog, it means, they demonstrate their creativity through the alive way of thinking which is always the same among letters and words. These stamps were created with the intention of organizing a kind of union between blog writters, a way to demonstrate kindness and recognize for a work that increases value to the Web.
1. Show the stamp of the prize on the blog
2. Put a link of the blog that offered you the prize on your blog
3. Choose 15 blogs so as to offer the prize.
4. And tell them, of course!
1. Show the stamp of the prize on the blog
2. Put a link of the blog that offered you the prize on your blog
3. Choose 15 blogs so as to offer the prize.
4. And tell them, of course!
In Portuguese:
Descrição: Com o Prêmio Dardos se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro emprega ao transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais, etc. que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que está e permanece intacto entre suas letras, entre suas palavras. Esses selos foram criados com a intenção de promover a confraternização entre os blogueiros, uma forma de demonstrar carinho e reconhecimento por um trabalho que agregue valor à Web.
1) Exibir a imagem do selo;
2) Linkar o blog pelo qual você recebeu a indicação;
3) Escolher 15 outros blogs a quem entregar o Prêmio Dardos;
4) E avisá-los, claro!
Descrição: Com o Prêmio Dardos se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro emprega ao transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais, etc. que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que está e permanece intacto entre suas letras, entre suas palavras. Esses selos foram criados com a intenção de promover a confraternização entre os blogueiros, uma forma de demonstrar carinho e reconhecimento por um trabalho que agregue valor à Web.
1) Exibir a imagem do selo;
2) Linkar o blog pelo qual você recebeu a indicação;
3) Escolher 15 outros blogs a quem entregar o Prêmio Dardos;
4) E avisá-los, claro!
So now, I'm going to announce who will get the prize from me, blogs that are diserved to be recognized, both English and Portuguese.
1. Botões e Linhas (Port.)
2. My Own Wars (Port.)
3. The Really Different Things (Engl.)
4. A Gente Vai Se Esbarrar Pelos Corredores (Port.)
5. SouLMatE (Engl.)
6. Vivo Verde (Port.)
Those are the only blogs I can certainly suggest you to visit and have some fun. I'm still new about all this blog stuff so I don't have many people linked with me. I would certainly recommend csshurtssuxxx and quem perguntou, but they aren't supposed to know as the first one is the band CSS' blog and the second is Adriano Cintra's blog (a musician that belongs to CSS), but anyway, those are AWESOME blogs. You should take a look.
Ok, I didn't mention 15 blogs, as I wanted so, but I really like the idea of giving and receiving prizes, I reckon it's a big incentive.
Congratulations, guys, you've got the Darts Prize.

1. Botões e Linhas (Port.)
2. My Own Wars (Port.)
3. The Really Different Things (Engl.)
4. A Gente Vai Se Esbarrar Pelos Corredores (Port.)
5. SouLMatE (Engl.)
6. Vivo Verde (Port.)
Those are the only blogs I can certainly suggest you to visit and have some fun. I'm still new about all this blog stuff so I don't have many people linked with me. I would certainly recommend csshurtssuxxx and quem perguntou, but they aren't supposed to know as the first one is the band CSS' blog and the second is Adriano Cintra's blog (a musician that belongs to CSS), but anyway, those are AWESOME blogs. You should take a look.
Ok, I didn't mention 15 blogs, as I wanted so, but I really like the idea of giving and receiving prizes, I reckon it's a big incentive.
Congratulations, guys, you've got the Darts Prize.

Orra aplausos pra vc Antonio XD
parabens pelo premio XD9
vc merece \XD/
Afinal tem foto minha no seu posts ;D
auhahuauhahuahu XD
Obrigadoo Camila \o/
Ah claro, você não podia faltar haha
Você aparece na foto da árvore *_*
[i]Há.... muito obrigada pela indicação .. vi que fiquei entre blogs muito bons escolhidos por você ... Muito obrigada mesmo ..
o selo está lá rs
:* bjão e sucesso sempre
PS: Obrigada pelo presente de natal hihi
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