Monday, July 26, 2010

I love trees and Jakes!

Everyone should love trees! They should be sacred... cant you feel their halo? I just love'em.

People, today was great, I just received a reply from a mail sent to CSS by Lovefoxxx! She's so kind, I wish all people in the world were so kind and creative and powerful and nice and colorful-minded like her. She's been inspiring me since 2006, when I came to know about the band. So I freaked out and became what you can see today. ok ok i'm blushing.

So, guys, as I wished to CSS... I'd like to wish to you all: ALL sorts of positive vibrations and energies for your lives and many JAKES.


Jakes like this one:

Jakes like ME.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post and Blog. You are great, my little friend!

So long!