Well, there are rumors Christina is bored because, as she says, Lady Gaga has destroyed her career as a musician. Why so much hate, girl? First, is this even true? Second, had Christina really said those things?
Christina, evil or not? Misinterpreted?
We all know she ain't facing her glory days... But it is never time to give up. With a nice face, a strong voice and all that ~~XTINA~~ halo, you can do better. Let's explore/create some solutions for you, Christina.
Idea now is that Christina could release an album called Aguileriac, which would be based on births and abortions from the point of view of a pregnant of triplets woman. Last song could speak about fake pregnancies. On the back cover of the album, she could do an artistic picture of herself giving birth. If she wants to save her career, she's got to do new stuff; scary performances. C'mon Christina, give youself birth!
New serie on Warner. "Everybody Hates Christina", about a blondie who was rejected in the pop world and forgotten. But she found some good friends and they're gonna screw all of those bitches up! Scenary: a school in a bitchy district. How Christina is hated and
Gretchen has been visiting US very often. She was a fantastic Brazilian singer with a pinch of French vibe, as shown on her most famous single Melô do Piri-Piri. And their voices obviously have much work to be done together, both are artistically fantastic! I think they could give a chance to each other.
So, Christina, make it for yourself.
Creativity is never too much.
Dirty Glasses.
If she did blame Lady Gaga, then that's pretty childish of her to do, especially since she's been trying to emulate her (seems rather obvious when you look at her new album cover Bionic).
Honestly, they both have amazing voices and right now Lady Gaga is enjoying her time in the spotlight. If anything, Christina should look at this as an opportunity to get back into the studio and make another jazz/blues album like "Back to Basics" and forget the acting career.
Being on that show with that dude from Maroon 5 is only making her look like she's trying to appeal to the younger market, which is true, but her music needs to grow away from that age-group. It's obviously not really working to her advantage.
Lady Gaga, in my opinion, do deeper stuff than Christina. Actually, she does deeper stuff than most of people in music industry cause she explores other sorts of art instead of music only. Christina had her time to be and just let it go.
I think she could go for jazz or electronic and become more alternative. That would give her another kind of audience. That's what she needs in my opinion.
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