Friday, December 26, 2008

Bullshit of post-Xmas

What the hell is Google thinking about? What the hell does this image represent? Is it Pinocchio? A subliminal message? Is everyone gonna die? Does it have something to do with 2012? Is there a nuclear bomb? An asteroid? Are you tired of reading all this bullshit I'm writing? Now I'm writing, but when I click on 'Publish' it will have been written! Oh! Oh... Does it all make any sense? Is it to make sense?

Questions we'll never answer...


Bruna said...

Que post louco emoo! Mas sobre 2012, é claro que há alguma coisa nesse ano, estamos combinando de ir comer pizza até vomitar antes de morrer, vc quer ir?

Bjoo Emoxinhoo

Unknown said...

Surtou, tadinho...